Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spa Girl loves having a Massage @ Home

Edouard Debat-Ponson, 1883 Le massage huile sur toile 1883
Musée des Augustins Toulouse

For the last year I have been working with a massage therapist who comes to my house for massage work which I love. It is so relaxing as I don't have to jump in and out of the car, deal with traffic or parking and when I'm done I can stretch out and enjoy the benefits of the work we have done. There are only a few massage therapist willing to do home visits, but I highly recommend them in-between those fabulous Spa get-a-ways.

For a long time I would just have a full body massage and that was it, now with some experience and confidence behind me I know to ask for work on specific areas like my feet, hands, chin and eyebrows which really helps eliminate built up stress. You would be surprised to know just how many muscles there are in the eyebrows and how fabulous it feels to work on this area. Today we also worked on my forearms which are tender from all the computer work I've done since returning from my fabulous Christmas break. Working with someone who knows your body is ideal, as they can determine subtle changes from one massage to another and keep on top of problem areas.

My massage therapist works on both the superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue utilizing her hands, fingers, elbows, and forearm to stretch, knead and promote overall relaxation. She adjusts her overall pressure to meet my own comfort zone sometimes applying a lot of pressure, while other areas, which are more tender, are treated very delicately. Massage should not hurt!

Selecting what type of massage work you want is much more difficult; Wikipedia states there are over 80 different massage modalities! Spa Girls recommendation: Ask your favorite Spa expert what massage work they offer and discuss your desired outcomes to find the best type of massage to consider, and don't be afraid to try something new once in awhile.

In most cases massage work is done without any clothe,s but don't panic, you are completely covered up and only areas being worked on are exposed. If you are not comfortable completely undressing, by all means leave on your undies. But remember, your butt has some of the biggest muscles in your body, and it shouldn't be neglected when having massage work done.

Another choice you need to consider in professional settings is the position you like to be in while having a massage as there are a variety of choices: on a massage table, sitting or kneeling on a massage chair, or lying on a mat on the floor. I think people generally fall into two categories, you are either a recliner or a sitter upper, I am definitely a recliner, so I love to have my massage work done on a wide comfortable massage table and preferably one that is heated.

For general well-being having a massage two times a month is ideal, if however you have problem areas your massage therapist will establish a more rigorous routine.

Learn more about the history and variety of massage work:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Spa Girl asks, do you know what your normal pH should be?

In my continuing quest to know more about the skin and how to achieve the perfect face, I decided to do some research on the skin's pH levels*. 'Skin pH' is a term chemists use meaning "Potential of Hydrogen" and is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of the skin.

In most cases skin problems are a direct result of a pH imbalance in the skins acid mantle, a thin protective layer of sweat and sebum (oil) that sits on the outer layer of the skin. The skins pH is measured on a scale which ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral meaning it's neither acid or alkaline. Any reading below 7 indicates your skin is acidic and above 7 is alkaline. This acid mantle helps protect the skin from foreign bacteria and fungi, sun and wind and other environmental conditions and also helps to protect against dehydration. Normal skin pH varies from one part of the body to another, but generally ranges from 4.2 to 5.6, making it somewhat acidic; a man's skins tends to be more acidic than a woman's.

Here are a few Spa Girl tips which will help protect your skin as you age: use the right cleanser and moisturizer, drink the correct amount of water and have lukewarm, five-minute showers.

Using the right cleanser will help maintain a normal pH level and a cleanser that is lipid-free will protect the skin's barrier functionality. If you use a cleanser that stings, it is most likely to acidic for your skin type.

You can also help sustain a good pH level by adding back moisture. As we age, oil production tappers off which affects the acid mantle. By using a good moisturizer, or oil if your skin is really dry, will assist in maintaining a protective barrier. Spa Girl Tip: I use a Vitamin C oil and a moisturizer with Vitamin K.

Drinking the correct amount of water will be a big help not only for your skin, but your entire body. Water is naturally alkaline and adding lemons and limes which are a great source of antioxidants is ideal and will help create a more alkaline environment internally! Spa Girl tip: don't drink sugar which increases glycation (

And last but not least, protect your skin by taking tepid, five minutes showers as the acid mantle is the most ideal protector and water can loosen the skin`s outer layers and make them more vulnerable to damage and dehydration. Hot or cold water on the face can also result in broken capillaries.

* An adequate pH value is essential for a healthy skin. It can be measured with the Skin-pH-Meter

Here is a great article with more information:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spa Girls most perfect face

Over the years I have tried countless skin care products all boasting they are the solution to the perfect face and since creating Spa Girl I have read, researched and written about a number of these products and their ingredients. I have learned so much about the various different formulas, and chimed in on the debate about organic vs. non-organic, natural vs. synthetic, you name it.

For the last four weeks I have been testing some great products for the perfect face and I have to say I love them. My skin feels cleaner than ever and is butter soft and smooth.

These skin care products are developed by Cosmetic Solutions, a member of the Natural Products Association, a company who develops private label brands for medical professionals and aesthetic skincare businesses world-wide. These CSI products are designed specifically to emulate the skin's natural functionality, with active therapeutic ingredients for all skin types.

I'm going to highlight these products over the next few blogs and as you will see, in only a few simple steps you too can attain the perfect face.

In my last blog I talked about the importance of knowing your skin type when selecting the perfect product for your face. Then it's all about your cleanser.

You need to find a great cleanser that works well with your skin type and stick with it. Any product that is from natural ingredients will be the best. If you get stuck, ask the experts at your Spa. And remember, expensive does not necessarily mean it is the best!

While it is a matter of personal choice, and skin type, most experts say you should wash your face once a day, at night, as cleansing too often can dry out your skin, and as you get older the body produces less oil. In the morning simply splash your face with warm water and pat dry prior to applying your moisturizer and sunscreen. Never use hot or cold water as this can cause the capillaries to break.

Exfoliation should also be a part of your cleansing program. This helps to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis. If you have really dry or sensitive skin, you may want to avoid exfoliation at home altogether as it could do more harm than good. There are several ways to exfoliate skin: facial scrubs, Microdermabrasion, chemical peels and retinoids which also help generate collagen; again best to ask your Spa expert on the best way to consider exfoliation for your skin type.

Spa Girl Tip: Water helps to not only remove impurities from the skin, it hydrates to keep the skin looking plump and smooth. To keep the skin hydrated, you should drink plenty of water each day--check out my blog on the benefits of water and how much you should be consuming! Some interesting new studies indicate you should be eating your water! Lots of fruits and vegetables.

I am not a big fan of using a toner after I wash, if you are using a good cleanser and washing for at least 30 seconds in slow circular motions, this should be enough to remove all traces of oil, makeup and dirt from your face. Toners are really a matter of personal choice.

The cleanser that has Spa Girl glowing is called Rose Hip Seed Cleanser, a gentle but powerful cleanser enriched with a combination of Rose Hip Seed Oil, Olive Oil Castile, Seaweed, and Oil of Kumquat. This cleanser provides a complete spectrum of skin nourishment and protection every time you cleanse and your skin is definitely left feeling fresh and radiant. This fabulous cleanser provides a thorough cleansing and removes all traces of makeup and other airborne impurities that accumulate throughout the day. And it is easy to use, just wet your face with warm water, lather a small amount of Rose Hip Seed Cleanser in your hand and massage into your face in circular motions for at least 30 seconds. As with any cleansers avoid the eye area, then rinse with warm water and pat dry with (preferably linen) a towel.

Spa Girl is so impressed with this cleanser and these skin care products I am considering creating my own Spa Girl line of products for the perfect face! Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Spa Girl says, Once you know the basics, taking care of your face is simple and will make you feel and look great...

It is hard to imagine that something so simple as washing your face can go so wrong. Like most women I want my face to look great, so after talking to my Spa specialist I decided to do a little research on the easiest and best ways to take care of your face.

Over the last five years I have literally reversed the condition of the skin on my face, it is now younger looking, more supple, less wrinkles and much healthier and I couldn't be more happy. On my last visit to the Spa I asked, 'how old does the skin on face look', and she indicated 30 something. For someone in their 50's I was pretty pleased.

So how did it do it?

Proper care for your skin is all about your skin type, how you cleanse, the products you use and sunscreen. And for me going to the Spa for a regular facial. However a good home facial is inexpensive and equally rewarding to having a great looking face!

It is important to know what type of skin you have before putting your regime into place--then it is a simply process. Make sure to ask which skin type you are on your next Spa visit. There are five basic skin types: oily, combination, sensitive, dry and sun-damaged. Your skin type is determined by how much, or how little oil your skin produces. Genes, diet, stress, medication and your skincare regimen all determine how much oil your skin produces.

Rona Berg, former beauty editor of The New York Times Magazine, and editor-in-chief of a stylish new national magazine called Organic Beauty ( details in her book, "Beauty the New Basics," the five different skin types. Here's how to tell what skin type you have.
Type 1: Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and blemishes. You might experience some tightness.

Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth and even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.

Type 3: Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic and can be rashy.

Type 4: Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing. You have a tendency towards fine wrinkles, flaking and red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin build-up.

Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone -- especially around the cheeks and jaw line -- with leathery texture and broken capillaries.
Spa Girls simple steps to a great looking face...
Step One: Cleansing
You need to find a great cleanser that works well with your skin type and stick with it. I have been searching for years and there are so many choices available. Check out my earlier blogs on what's in your skin care products and make sure to select one that is organic or free from synthetic additives. Any product that is from natural ingredients will be the best. If you get stuck, ask the experts at your Spa. And remember, expensive does not necessarily mean it is the best!

While it is tempting, make sure to never use bar soaps on your face as they can be harsh and tend to dry out the skin. Soap is for the neck down, unless like me, you prefer Irish sea weed based products (check out my blog on Seavite). Spa Girl Tip: creamy, alcohol-free cleansers are generally better for dry, sensitive skin while clear cleansers are ideal for oily skin. Wash your face only at night, cleansing too often can dry out your skin, especially as you get older as there is less oil being produced. In the morning a simple splash with warm water and pat dry will work prior to applying your moisturizer and sunscreen. Never use hot or cold water as this can cause the capillaries to break.

I also exfoliate to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis once every week or two. This leaves my skin feeling smoother and looking brighter. If you have really dry or sensitive skin, you may want to avoid exfoliation at home altogether as it could do more harm than good. There are several ways to exfoliate skin: facial scrubs with tiny grains to avoid tearing the skin, Microdermabrasion, chemical peels and retinoids which also help generate collagen; again best to ask your Spa expert on the best way to consider exfoliation for your skin type.

Spa Girl Tip: Water helps to not only remove impurities from the skin, it hydrates to keep the skin looking plump and smooth. To keep the skin hydrated, you should drink plenty of water each day--check out my blog on the benefits of water and how much you should be consuming! Some interesting new studies indicate you should be eating your water!  Lots of fruits and vegtables.

I am not a big fan of using a toner after I wash, if you are using a good cleanser and washing for at least 30 seconds in slow circular motions, this should be enough to remove all traces of oil, makeup and dirt from your face. Toners are really a matter of personal choice.

Step 2: Moisturize

Your skin requires essential fatty acids, an important component of a healthy diet as they help to build lipid-based cell membranes that retain water and nutrients and form an oil barrier that protects the skin from pollutants and UV. So make sure you are getting your Omega-3's and Omega-6's as they are the best way to improve your complexion from the inside out!

Moisturizers are more complex and some experts have suggested they should be avoided altogether. Having a tendency for dry, sensitive skin, I definitely like to use a moisturiser and I also use in addition to my moisturizer, Vitamin C oil, a great antioxidant which helps to build collagen. Same rules apply as cleaners, make sure whatever product you select works for your skin type and is preferably organic and free from synthetic additives. If you are using a great product, you most likely will not require additional eye creams.

Step 3: Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most important part of your skincare regimen! The number-1 cause of wrinkles and skin that looks tired, dull and aged is sun damage. So use a good sunscreen (in the morning) all year round with at least a sun-protection factor of (SPF) 15. To keep your face happy, don't use sunscreen products at night, they are not meant to be used 24/7.

Once you know the basics, taking care of your face is simple and will make you feel and look great!